The Dairy Alliance
Poster Contest
February 2020
Dear 4-H Extension agent,
It’s time to plan for the June dairy Month Promotion Contest sponsored by The Dairy Alliance.
The theme this year is “The Art of Dairy”
The state level contest winners and their county extension office agents will be invited to attend the June dairy Month Kick-Off luncheon. The event is designed to honor the work of these youth. We will exhibit the winning posters and present their awards.
Please read over the enclosed information. If you have questions, please email Ashley Buice call her at 770-994-5833. Please submit your June Dairy Month poster by April 24, 2020.
We’re excited about being able to offer support again this year to the June Dairy Month Poster contest. We would love to see every county in Tennessee participate!
Denise Jones
Senior Farmer Relations Manager
June Dairy Month 2020
The Art of Dairy
The Dairy Alliance