Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 June Dairy Month Scrapbook contest!
And a big THANK YOU to all of the 4-H Dairy Chairpersons who participated in the Southeast Dairy’s June Dairy Month Promotion.

Contest Winners
Physical Submissions
Division I
Aliyah Blackburn, Bedford County
Emily Osterhaus, Extension 4-H agent
Division II & Best Use of Theme
EmiLee Lassiter, Warren County
Alison Hopper, Extension 4-H agent
Division III
Callie Collette, Washington County
Connie Sharp, Extension 4-H agent
Media Award
Ella Flynn, Macon County
Kayla Jenkins, Extension 4-H agent
Digital Submissions
Division I
Savannah Agee, Jackson County
Rebeka Melton, Extension 4-H agent
Division II
Addie Brooks, Claiborne County
Jennifer Gilbert, Extension 4-H agent
Division III & Media Award
Maddie Rippy, Sumner County
Whitney Whitaker, Extension 4-H agent
Best Use of Theme
Emma Hatcher, Sullivan County
Walter Malone, Extension 4-H agent
The winning scrapbooks will tentatively be on display at the 2023 Tennessee June Dairy Month Kick-off prior to being returned to the State 4-H office and then to the individual county office.
Special thanks to the Dairy Alliance for their ongoing leadership of this program.