Sharon Davis, Extension Agent, Knox County
The Shropshire Starter Flock Award is given out annually by the Junior Shropshire Association and will help to establish one new Shropshire flock every year. The award in 2019 will be a credit voucher of $1,500 which can be used to purchase no less than two ewes in one of the following sales, Indiana Premier, Shropshire Classic, Great Lakes and The Midwest Stud Ram sale or any of the Online sales that has Shropshire futurity-nominated ewe lambs. The winner is requested to attend the National Shropshire Sale in Eaton, OH in May. The animals selected will range in age from ewe lambs to yearling ewes and should be of sound structure and will maintain good breed type.
Knox County 4-H sheep project group member, LeeAnn Martin, has been selected as this year’s winner! LeeAnn purchased 4 ewes with her prize money and some of her own at the show and sale in Eaton, Ohio. She is really happy with her sheep. Her project group leader, Mark, Shedden, said, “Lee Ann is a very smart , capable and helpful young lady. I am confident she will do quite well with her new flock. I’m excited for her! It has been a while sense we have had a Shropshire breed in the Knoxville 4-H shows.”.