Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and Statewide Program Leader
These are challenging times in our world, but, as always, 4-H can and will be a positive light for so many young people that so desperately need it. As I have reflected the last several days, some thoughts came to mind that I want to share with our staff, volunteers, stakeholders, and support- ers.
- We, as a 4-H program, will get through this pandemic and come out with new ideas and renewed commitments to serve our young people.
- The 4-H staff (county, region, camping, and state) misses our friends and 4-H family! These are trying times but we hope to soon be able to visit with one another face-to-face and celebrate the great work of our 4-H members in person.
- We will provide as to up to date information/communication as we can. Soon, a new 4-H website will launch. It will be full of current information to help you advance your 4-H program. Additionally, we will expand our use of social media to reach current and new 4-H clientele.This includes Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
- I know many of you have questions about events, activities, etc. that are coming up soon. We understand. Please remember that the 4-H program values the safety and well-being of the 4-H members, volunteers, staff, etc. As we make decisions, we will share them with you all in a timely fashion.
These are challenging times in our world. In fact, taking this role during a global pandemic is not something I would have ever predicted. However, 4-H folks are resilient.We work hard (all of us) and we do the best we can to ensure that all of our 4-H members know they are loved and appreciated. As I stated earlier, we will get through this…together!