Submitted by Amy Fellhoelter, Loudon County Director
The Loudon County 4-H Hippology Team wrapped up a fantastic year by placing 6TH AT THE 2019 Eastern National 4-H Horse Round-up. Team members included Sarah Harper, Abbey Ivey, Camile Phillips, and Mary Marlino. The team was coached by Mark King and Kimberly Phillips.
The Hippology Contest measures the knowledge of team members regarding all things related to horses. Whether it be anatomy, physiology, vet care, breeds, or equipment, teams must have a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Teams compete by completing a written exam, judging and evaluating horses for quality and soundness, cooperating on team problems, and conducting assignments at team stations. The contest was held November 8 – 11 in Louisville, Kentucky.
In addition to their overall placing in the contest, the Loudon team placed 6th in team problem, 6th in team stations, tenth in team judging, and 4th on the written exam.
Team member Sarah Harper also racked up several top 10 finishes as an individual. Harper was 4th on the written exam and was the 8th high individual in the overall contest.