- Love for Tennessee 4-H is in the AIR! Please submit a photo of a 4-H member with a quote about why they love Tennessee 4-H on Facebook and use the hashtag #TN4H during the month of February! The Tennessee 4-H page on Facebook will be sharing posts that use that hashtag all month! If your county has an Instagram, be sure to tag @tennessee4h so we can share it as well!
You can use the graphic below named 4-H love is in the air.
Tennessee 4-H is getting ready for the 100th Roundup! We are planning exciting events during Roundup so keep an eye out for important updates in IDEAS and social media!
WE NEED YOUR HELP: Please email Celina Menard a picture of a 4-H member and a quote about why they love their project area to have a spotlight on Tennessee 4-H social media!