![Livestock - Herd of cattle](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/06/Livestock-1.jpg)
Julie Giles, Marshall County Extension Agent
Six Marshall County 4-H Members participated in the 2018 North American International Livestock Ex- position exhibiting their dairy cattle, Georgia Hazelwood (Ayrshire), Jacob Johns (Brown Swiss), Joseph Johns (Holstein), Forest Ozburn (Guernsey & Jersey), Jayme Ozburn (Jersey), and Kaydee Todd (Holstein). These members exhibited their cattle at the event in Louisville, KY on Friday November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd. Cattle from all over the U.S. and Canada gather here for the national com- petition among the six different breeds of dairy cattle. The day was filled with joy, nerves, and excitement as the exhibitors stepped out onto the green shavings with their hard work and dedication in halter. At least 6 months of hard work goes into that moment. Hard work of caring, feed, washing, breaking to lead these cattle in hopes of winning a ribbon and the title of having the best cattle in the nation. These exhibitors were very successful in doing just that.
Five Marshall County 4-H members participate in the 2018 National Dairy Quiz Bowl competition. The senior high team consisted of Jacob Gillespie, Jacob Johns, Forest Ozburn, Jayme Ozburn, and Ellarose Strasser. These youth have been study various topics about the dairy industry ranging from cattle health to nutrition and reproduction. The competition consisted of taking a written test, then multiple rounds of live questions against another team.
Congratulations to these youth as they represented Marshall County and the dairy industry very successfully!
- Georgia Hazelwood placed eighth, fourth, and fifth with her Ayrshire Intermediate, Summer, and Junior Yearling heifers.
- Jacob Johns exhibited the first place Brown Swiss Junior Two Year Old Cow and was seventh with his Junior heifer calf.
- Joseph Johns placed sixth in the Holstein Junior Two Year Old Cow class and received seventh with his Red and White Holstein Junior heifer calf.
- Forest Ozburn participated in the Guernsey showmanship competition.
- Jayme Ozburn place fifth with his Jersey Milking Senior Yearling.
- Kaydee Todd was named Reserve Intermediate & Grand Champion of the Red & White Holstein Show with her Junior Three Year Old Cow.
![Marshall County 4-H Dairy Members Receive National Honors](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/MarshallCounty4HDairyMembersReceiveNationallHonors-1024x272.jpg)