National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships

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Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist

13 Tennessee 4-H members have won the right to compete in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships as a member of the Tennessee State 4-H Team. This national competition will be held on June 25 – 30, 2017 in Grand Island, NE.

Tennessee is fielding a team of 13 high school 4-H youth from 12 counties through- out Tennessee to compete in this national event. Tennessee 4-H youth will be competing in the disciplines of Air Rifle, Compound Archery, Recurve Archery, and Shotgun.

Over 35 states are expected to participate in this National 4-H event. The members and adult coaches of the team are:

SandraFloodShelbyAir RifleCoach
DavisGeorgeShelbyAir RifleCompetitor
NathanHaganWeakleyAir RifleCompetitor
JimmyArmsPutnamCompoud ArcheryCoach
JeremiahAndressSumnerCompoud ArcheryCompetitor
DawsenArmsPutnamCompoud ArcheryCompetitor
DaltonGreerCheathamCompoud ArcheryCompetitor
CalvinWeeksHendersonCompoud ArcheryCompetitor
SusanFosterWilliamsonRecurve ArcheryCoach
RebeccaFosterWilliamsonRecurve ArcheryCompetitor
MahaylaGoeddeLincolnRecurve ArcheryCompetitor
IanTerrellWilliamsonRecurve ArcheryCompetitor
DarbyPayneGilesShotgunCoach and State Coor.