Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head
Although fall has not brought cooler temperatures, fall is bringing several changes to the State 4-H Office. Fall is always busy and “changes” keep it more interesting!

After serving UT Extension for many years at the county, region and state levels, Carmen Burgos has retired. Carmen was the Volunteer Leader Development Specialist. Additionally, she did reporting and tracked awards and scholarships. She will be missed in the office.
Congratulations to Shelby Brawner! Shelby is now an Extension Specialist I in 4-H and will provide leadership for the Next Chapter and Healthy Living programs.

As of September 1, 4-H Youth Development and ALEC officially split. Dr. Christopher Stripling was named Interim Department Head of ALEC. Lela More is still serving as business manager for both until one is hired for ALEC.
Along with other UTIA sections, 4-H is working with IT to upgrade the website. This has been long overdue. There is a four step process that will be followed. Step one – Analyze Your Website – is in progress. 4-H will need your input as we move through the website development process.
Planning for the 2020 TAE4-HW meeting is well under way. I think an exciting program is in the plan!