Dwight Loveday, Interim Director & Statewide 4-H Program Leader
North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) has for years been known for the thou-sands of livestock exhibited from all parts of the United States. In 1974, the first North American was held in Louisville, KY. The predecessor to NAILE was the International Livestock Exposition that was housed in the Chicago, IL stockyards and meat packing area. The first NAILE show featured only beef cattle. Currently the North American includes beef, sheep, swine, dairy, quarter horses, draft horses, mules and donkeys, dairy goats and Boer goats!
One aspect of NAILE that is overlooked is the number and variety of educational events hosted for 4-H, Junior College and University students. This 17 day exposition hosts 13 4-H educational activities! The National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl was added to the line-up for 2019.
In this issue, you will find results of Tennessee 4-Hers that have prepared to showcase the knowledge and skills learned through their project work. Critical decision making, communication and team working are few of the life skills our 4-Hers learn through these educational activities.