Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
By the first part of next week, the new Section A, B and C forms for the 2019 Portfolios will be posted (Section C is already up there in an interactive PDF). You can access these forms by going to the front page of the state 4-H Website and clicking on the “Programs” button. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. This the same location as where all of the other training videos and power points are housed.
As a reminder, if your 4-H’er is entering a portfolio in Citizenship or Leadership in February, no 2019 forms should be included at that time. You will need your 2018 forms and three years prior. 2019 forms should NOT be included until the main project contest in May.
These are interactive PDFs. Remember to download these forms to your desktop AND SAVE THEM to your desktop before entering any information. You do NOT have to purchase any Adobe product to do this – simply download the free Adobe DC Reader program. My recommendation is to type a line or two and then save it. Close out the document and then reopen it to make sure that this saved before you complete the entire document only to find out that it didn’t save.
Also, remember, that any 2019 form that has been manipulated in any way (two lines of information for each text box, for example), will result in automatic disqualification of the portfolio. More is NOT more on the portfolio. Judges want a snapshot of the 4-H’ers work. Review the Power Point training on “Writing for Impact” to learn how to combine all of the records that you have been keeping into meaningful impact statements.
If you need ideas of what one might include on a Section A, B or C form, please reach out to your Area 4-H Extension Area Specialist. They have examples of these forms for every project area. Also, take some time to watch the training videos so that you can see not only what needs to be included, but also understand how all of the parts of the portfolio fit together and what the judges are looking for from the information they review in each portfolio.
If you have questions, please contact me!