Melissa Henry, Extension Agent
The Putnam County 4-H forestry judging team traveled to Weston, West Virginia for the National 4-H Forest- ry Invitational. This was the 38th year for the contest. The contest is held annually at the Jackson’s Mill 4-H Camp, which is the oldest state 4-H camp in the nation. The team competed in nine events over the 2 day com- petition. Events included tree identification, tree measurement, compass and pacing, insect and disease identification, topographic map use, forest evaluation, the forestry bowl and a written forestry exam. Team members included Hannah Steger, Emily Welte, Luke Welte, and Dawsen Arms. The placed 5th out of 15 teams with Emily Welte earning 3rd place individual honors and Hannah Steger receiving 10th place.
While in West Virginia the team enjoyed educational programs at the Jackson’s Mill Homestead and a special presentation called “Night Sounds of the Appalachians.” The team enjoyed visiting the New River Gorge National Park and Appalachian Glass for a glass blowing demonstration. They also participated in the forestry skills games with Han- nah and Luke placing 2nd in cross cut saw, Luke and Dawsen placing 2nd in log rolling, and Dawsen placing 2nd in pulpwood toss.