The 2022 training dates for fall Leg Two (Presentation) portion of B.E.S.T. (Building Exceptionally Skilled Teachers) have been set. Registration is now open in K@TE. Visit https://kate.tennessee.edu/ and search for “BEST”.

And Legs One and Three are also online in K@TE and ready for you any time you want to begin! B.E.S.T. (Building Exceptionally Skilled Teachers) is part of the University of Extension 2010-2020 Strategic Plan. The goal of B.E.S.T.is to equip Extension educators to enhance the quality of their teaching. The B.E.S.T. Development Team created criteria for a B.E.S.T. teacher, selected teaching tools and external experts to assist in the development of training modules, and designed teaching tools and training modules. Remember, you must have completed ALL SEVEN modules in Leg One before you can attend the Leg Two training. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule!
Do I have to do this?
B.E.S.T. was created because many agents noted in the strategic plan surveys and focus groups that they felt that needed more instruction in effective teaching. B.E.S.T. should be considered a part of your professional development plan. This has been an important focus of the Dean’s office since 2010. In many cases, regions are requiring that their agents complete B.E.S.T. as a part of their annual performance review or as a prerequisite for promotion. Please check with your regional offices for details.
How does this work?
BEST consists of three legs — Preparation, Presentation, and Professionalism. Leg Two is the presentation leg. This is a face-to-face training that takes place over three days. Each participant will put together a 20-minute presentation on the topic of their choosing and present it to the group. Participants will then receive instruction on presentation organization, public speaking tips and presentation/teaching methodologies. Participants will meet again in five to six weeks via Zoom to make their second, improved presentation. Presentations are not videoed the second time, but evaluations by the instructors and peer groups are completed.
What are the SPRING dates and locations for Leg Two of this training?
• Western Region — WTREC
• November 17 (1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. central time);
• November 18 (9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. central time); and
• Third Meeting Date (Zoom Presentations) TBD by Group
• Central Region — Rutherford County Extension Office
• November 28 (1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. central time);
• November 29 (9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. central time); and
• Third Meeting Date (Zoom Presentations) TBD by Group
• Eastern Region — Eastern Region Extension Office
• November 14 (1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. eastern time);
• November 15 (9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. eastern time); and
• Third Meeting Date (Zoom Presentations) TBD by Group
NOTE: A maximum of 18 participants will be taken in each regional location.
WAIT! I Can’t Make Those Dates Work!
If you can’t make the spring dates, the spring dates are currently being set. Registration is not yet available for these dates. More information is forthcoming.
What happens when I finish all three legs of the B.E.S.T. Program?
Two things will happen when you complete all three legs of the program — (1) you will have gained some very valuable knowledge and skill in the area of presentations and professionalism; and (2) you will be recognized for your accomplishments and receive a B.E.S.T. stool at a regional meeting.
I have a question!
If you have a question about B.E.S.T., please contact Lori Gallimore with 4-H Youth Development at (865) 974-7239 or lbelew@utk.edu.