Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
Two-day, regional in-services will be offered over the next few months in the area of portfolios. This training is for 4-H agents ONLY.
This is a two-day training on the 4-H Portfolio. In 2019, the changes to the 4-H portfolio take it’s final step! We will go from a scanned in/online document to a website. Each 4-H’er will be responsible for creating his/her own 4-H portfolio website. Day one of training, participants will learn and review in detail the specific sections of the 4-H portfolio — Section A, Section B, Section C, Resumes, Photos, Project Plans, Showcase, etc… and the few, minor changes to some of the forms. Activities will be conducted to help participants learn what goes into each section of the portfolio, how to write for impact and how to help their 4-H’ers capitalize on their 4-H and non-4-H experiences. With the second day of training, each participant will design and create a 4-H portfolio website using a step-by-step guide. Participants will also learn how to work with inter- active PDFs, judge portfolios using the interactive rubric and explore a sample training time line that they can implement in their own counties to use to help ensure that their 4-H’ers meeting the portfolio entry deadline.
Please watch for more information coming from your respective regional offices, if it has not already, regarding attendance requirements. If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Area 4-H Specialist or Lori Gallimore @ 865-794-2128.