Applications due April 1st, 2018
We are pleased to announce that through the generosity and vision of several prominent Shropshire breeders that the Fifth Shropshire Starter Flock Award will be given to a lucky youth in the spring of 2018.
What it is…
The Shropshire Starter Flock Award will be given out annually and will help to establish one new Shropshire flock every year. The award in 2018 will be a credit voucher of $1,500. which can be used to purchase no less than two ewes in one of the following sales, Shropshire Classic, Great Lakes, Shropshire Spectacular and The Midwest or any of the Online sales that has Shropshire futurity-nominated ewe lambs. The National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association will identify a local breeder to act as a mentor to the recipient. The sheep will range in age from lambs to yearling ewes. The animals selected will be of sound structure and will maintain good breed type.
How it works…
If you are interested in winning this award flock, you are expected to do the following: Write an essay to the National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association. Be sure to include background information about yourself. This document should illustrate your goals and intentions with the animals should you win the award. There should also be a budget included in the paperwork that is sent in. We ask that you type your essay and assure it’s arrival by April 1, 2018. Please include your mailing address and telephone number. All applicants should be between the ages of 8 and 20.
Winners are asked to give back to the Starter Flock Award Program in some way in the years to come. The awarded animals are asked to be shown at a county fair, a state fair and a Regional National show (All American Junior Show, North American International Livestock Expo, The Big E, or the Midwest Regional Show). These are the only things that we, the NJSSA, ask from the winner of this annual award.
Email Address: Becky Peterson
Essays and supporting documentation should be e-mailed to the above address no later than April 1, 2018. All essays will be reviewed and discussed by the board members and the winner will be chosen and contacted to make arrangements to receive their award at a spring sale. Whichever sale you chose to make your purchase you will have a $1,500 credit which can be used when you pay for your purchases. You must purchase at least 2 ewes with this award.
Whether you are looking to add a second breed to your farm or looking to make a start in the sheep business. We invite you to take a chance and write to win. Good luck and God bless.
-National Junior Shropshire Sheep Association.
Noah, President, Junior Shropshire Association For additional information email: Becky Peterson.