Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
Rutherford County Extension Office in Murfreesboro
October 17, 2020
Plans are being formulated to conduct the State 4-H Dairy Products Judging Contest at the Rutherford County Extension Office in Murfreesboro. All cur- rent COVID-19 precautions will be in effect (more details to come).
Deadline to register is October 2.
Refer to the Tennessee 4-H Awards and Recognition Handbook for all requirements and regulations regarding this contest.
Expected Learner Outcomes
Please refer to the “Contest Training Information” button above.
Intended Audiences
All 4-H members enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th school grade on January 1 during the calendar year of the state contest, and who have completed at least five months of club work during the current 4-H year, are eligible for all senior division judging teams on the state level.