Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist
Volunteers are making a difference in their community and motivating others to be involved in 4-H as well. The Tennessee 4-H Awards and Recognition program offers two opportunities for counties to recognize 4-H volunteers. You probably have several deserving nominees in your county. Please take some time to review the requirements for each award and take advantage of a great opportunity to publicly recognize a family or outstanding volunteer in your county!
State Adult Leader Recognition
This program gives recognition to an outstanding volunteer leader who has served five or more years. Each county may submit one nominee to the region. Each region will select two nominees for state competition. The state winner receives an engraved plaque. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kant of Blount County sponsor this recognition. The state winner will receive a trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta. The application form may be found on the 4-H website.
W.M. and Ruth Hale Master 4-H Family Recognition
The Hale Master 4-H Families receive engraved plaques at the regional level and a framed Tennessee Master 4-H Family medallion at the state level. The state awards are presented at State 4-H Roundup. The Hale Master Family nomination form is available on the 4-H website.
Nomination forms are due to the state 4-H office every year on June 1. The nomina- tions should be sent to the state office by the region program leaders. Check with your regional office for the regional deadline. If you have a volunteer that has been nominated in the past but did not receive the award, consider re-submitting an updated application. Make sure they still meet all requirements.