Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor
4-H Sheep Conference is designed for those who want to learn more about the sheep project. The event provides hands on learning experiences, leadership opportunities for teens as well as opportunities to meet and make new friends from across the state. Sheep Conference is held at the Hyder-Burks Sales Arena on the campus of Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville.
Friday evening activities are designed for 8-12th grade 4-H and FFA members. The educational program will focus on sheep genetics. Ms. Amy Powell, Iowa State University 4-H Livestock Specialist, will lead participants in learning about basic genetic concepts and applied sheep genetics through hands-on learning activities.
Saturday’s program will concentrate on your sheep project. There will be workshops on grooming, halter making, proper feeding and health management. The Bacon Family from Siloam Springs, AR will conduct the showmanship clinics. They conduct sheep clinics on their beef and sheep farm. Alt- hough some lambs will be available, you are encouraged to bring your lamb to work with. A repre- sentative from Tennessee Farmers CO-OP will talk about feeding your show lambs. Participants will have the opportunity to experience several skillathon learning stations.

Sheep project members are encouraged to bring poster exhibits; awards will be given for the top posters. Additionally, we will have our quiz bowl contest for older youth. The annual meeting of the Tennessee Junior Sheep Producers Association will be held on Saturday afternoon following the completion of the conference.
May 25—26, 2018
Hyder Burks Sales Arena,
Tennessee Tech University
- Friday – Begins at 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday – Begins at 8:30 a.m.
Cost: – $10.00 for either or both days