Dr. Richard Clark
The summer of 2017 has been a very busy one for the Tennessee 4-H pro- gram. Members have attended one or more of a variety of camping programs, including Jr. High Camp, Junior Camp, Southern Region Teen Leadership Camp, Electric Camp, Target Smart Camp and Culinary Camp just to mention a few. 4-Her’s have also attending Junior High Academic Conference where they learned about potential careers from University of Tennessee- Knoxville faculty and staff. In addition to all of these events, numerous live- stock shows and county fairs have provided opportunities for youth to dis- play their knowledge and skill in their project areas. Overall, quite a busy and productive summer for 4-H. I would like to thank all of our Extension faculty, staff, and volunteers for working at all of these educational events.
But of course there is no time for sitting back and relaxing in the 4-H program. 4-H Agents from every county are making plans for the new club meetings that will begin shortly. Working closely with our public, private, and home schools, youth will experience hands-on learning tied to state school educational standards. New and ex- citing curriculum is being produced to make sure life skills are incorporated in all of our club efforts.
I am excited for the new 4-H season and blessed by the excellence of our recent summer camps, event, and conferences that have made a life-changing impact on our 4-H youth. Please consider helping the agents in your county by volunteering or by making donations to scholarships to help all of our youth experience 4-H.