Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist
Tennessee had a great delegation! Reach out and talk to any of them regarding the conference.
Back row, left to right: Juanita Miles,Washington County Program Assistant, Jean Blick, Robertson County volunteer, Anne Proctor, Robertson County volunteer and member of the conference advisory committee; Carmen Burgos, Specialist, Denise Routzahn, Robertson county volunteer and member of the conference advisory committee; Mary Beth Hudspeth, Cheatham County volunteer, Nancy Reeves, Robertson County volunteer, Naomi Riggins, Robertson county volunteer, Christi Eller, Robertson County volunteer.
Front row, left to right: Kathy Finley, Robertson County Agent, Barbara Nuckols,Washington County Program Assistant, and LaDonna Jones, Robertson County volunteer.

The 2018 4-H Volunteer Conference of Southern States was great! Everyone attending left energized and with great program materials and ideas.The conference theme this year was “From Sea to Shining Sea” mainly because the conference was open to all other states, not just southern region states. Approximately 200 people attended from various states outside of the southern region.Volunteers and Extension staff from Alaska, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon,West Virginia, and the Bahamas came to see what the conference offered.This conference is one of the few “face-to-face” conferences left. Most regions offer virtual education sessions.
The format of the conference has changed considerably with great opportunities for learning and networking. An incredible selection of workshops, activities, and events were offered and all in a very comfortable, positive learning environment.The learning tracks offered included Connecting with Kids in the Kitchen, Mastering Plant & Garden Connections, and Connecting Creative Arts to Purpose, Connecting Health to Better Living, Seeing Science Connections, and Connecting Camp to Learning.
The conference date for next year is September 26-29, 2019 – make sure you reserve those dates on your calendar!