Tennessee Innovative Programming Priorities (TIPP) 

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Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor

By now, your county office should have received a printed copy of the Tennessee’s In- novative Programming Priorities (TIPPs) for 4-H publication. This publication defines a set of life skill outcomes to help guide in-school club programming for 4th through 12th grade 4-H members. More information about the structure and organization of the out- comes can be found in the publication or online on the 4-H website. The webpage also includes lesson plans designed specifically to teach these outcomes and are aligned to state content standards.

James and I will are offering regional in-services to dive into the structure and organization of these outcomes as well as guide you through some of the curriculum designed around the outcomes. Information about these in-services can be found below.

Locations, Dates, Credit Hour and Links:

  • Western Region (Madison County Extension Office) February 5, 2018; Hours = 6
  • Central Region (Rutherford County Office, Rooms A/B) February 6. 2018; Hours = 6
  • Eastern Region (Eastern Region Office) February 7, 2018; Hours = 6

We hope you will plan to attend! If you have any questions about the outcomes or in-service, please do not hesitate to reach out to James or I.