Anger Management In-Service Training Offered for 2018
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
No doubt! We are constantly looking for valuable and worthwhile programs to share at our senior high Honor Club meetings. Have I got the PERFECT one for you! In a world of anger, hurt, harsh judgment, bullying and where gun violence is almost a daily occurrence in schools around the county, UT Family and Consumer Sciences, in conjunction with Tennessee 4-H Youth Development, is pleased to offer an upcoming in-service training that will be very helpful for your teen audiences and for you in your work with various youth audiences.
RELAX: Alternatives to Anger series actively engages learners in a group setting to increase knowledge and skills around anger managements and give them constructive ways to deal with anger. Aspects of promoting social emotional health are woven throughout the training and include expressing emotions, navigating stress, resolving interpersonal conflict, taking another’s perspective, feeling capable and whole and building skills for forming and maintaining satisfying, healthy and supportive relationships.
Short-term goals:
- To increase participants’ knowledge about anger management.
- To assist participants in improving their attitudes around anger management.
- To assist participants in making positive behavioral changes.
Long-term goals:
- To increase participants’ anger control levels.
- To decrease participants’ family conflict levels.
- To decrease participants’ anger level.
- To decrease participants’ violence levels.
These trainings will be offered across the state in 2018. Resources for teaching this to youth audiences will be provided. Each session will be taught by Drs. Heather Wallace, Matt Devereaux and Katie Con- rad, along with Joel Clark and members of the FCS Human Development Leadership team. These trainings are coming up soon! There is still time to register! If you would like to register, please click on the appropriate link below:
If you have any questions about the in-service training topic, please contact Heather Wallace.