Things I Miss…

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Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader

Justin Crowe - Things I Miss...
Justin Crowe - Things I Miss...

To be very honest, one of the components of working with 4-H that I love the most is get- ting to see people. I have always enjoyed making county visits, talking with 4-H members at livestock shows, and interacting with volunteers at meetings and activities. The extrovert in me, as I have shared with many of you, misses getting to interact with others. I miss visiting camp and seeing the face of a camper who is getting to go down the water slide for the first time. I miss getting to see youth learn how to make their bed for the first time when they are “on their own” at 4-H camp. All of these things and so many more make mine and so many other 4-H professionals’ summer.

4-H is a people driven organization. We exist to help youth grow and develop as caring and compassionate citizens and leaders. Has COVID made it tough? Yes, of course! Talking to people through the computer micro- phone and screen is not the same but it will do for now. Youth can and will learn amazing skills through virtual 4-H meetings, hybrid 4-H educational opportunities and through other types of experiences this fall. I miss what we didn’t get to have over the summer but I am excited about what we will have this fall. We get to connect with youth in a whole new way. The opportunities are limitless.

Justin Crowe - Things I Miss...