Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head
This week marks 5-1/2 months that I have served in this role. It is hard to believe how fast the summer and fall has gone. The holiday season brings us to the mid-point of our 4-H year. But, we look at our calendars and ask if will ever slow down! Needless to say, Tennessee 4-H is in motion; it is dynamic. We certainly take the “learn by doing” to heart. Tennessee 4-H is a team effort and it takes everyone to deliver the diversity of programs to our youth.
Working on the 4-H Program Review has illustrated the breadth and depth of Tennessee 4-H. In the review document, we have tried to look at 4-H programing for the past 10 years. Dr. Mike Buschermohle is chairing the external review committee. Please help him when asks for assistance in “listening” sessions to further explore our program. Even though the review is not complete, the 4-H leadership team is still studying, evaluating and planning how Tennessee 4-H can better serve our youth.
The Next Chapter program is also at a mid-point in its piloting phase. Next Chapter is a collaborative effort between the University of Tennessee Office of Admissions and Tennessee 4-H. Next Chapter is an educational program that introduces youth to the skills necessary to be successful in both secondary and postsecondary educational plans. Sixteen counties are participating in the pilot. We look forward to the feedback from this new endeavor.
Dr. Richard Clark, who has given leadership to the Next Chapter program this fall, will be retiring at the end of the year. Richard has done a great job in coordinating the Next Chapter program. Please join with me in thanking Richard for his leadership the past three years. We hope that your retirement is very fulfilling!