Jamie Harris, Area 4-H Specialist, Central Region Extension
Extension Family,
As most of you know, several counties in the Central Region were impacted by the recent tornadoes that swept across Tennessee. I have had several counties contact me in regards to what can be done to help those counties in need. After speaking with the 4-H agents in Davidson, Wilson and Putnam County, we are in agreement that gift cards would the easiest and most useful item that can be collected and distributed. Gift cards from Lowes, Walmart, Amazon, pre-paid gift cards etc. If you or your county 4-H, FCE, or other club would like to donate gift cards, you may send them to:
Central Region Extension Office
Attn: Jamie Harris
5201 Marchant Drive
Nashville, TN 37211
The cards will be sorted and distributed to all three counties equally. The agents will make sure that they are distributed to families in need. Quicken accounts may not be used to purchase gift cards. Donations may also be brought to the TAE4-HW Conference in April. If you would like to make a monetary donation you may do so through the 4-H Foundation. On the donation page select other and then designate tornado relief. Thank you!