Unicoi 4-H celebrated Agriculture Literacy Week November 14th-20th.
Our 4-H Homeschool Club in conjunction with the Unicoi County Public Library also enjoyed learning about Pick TN Products, a snack of some Tennessee products, and having a friendly race of who could spell out agriculture words the fastest using magnetic letters. The biggest surprise was learning Dr. Enuf, an East Tennessee original, is made right just on the other side of Unicoi County in Johnson City! |

Honor Club kicked the week off by enjoying Pick TN Products snacks, as well as a presentation by Sr. High 4-H Member Mason Shelton who talked about products made right here in our great state that boost our economy. Honor Club members shared their favorite Pick TN product, as well as why they think agriculture is important.

Mattie Roark, Appalachian Fair Fairest of the Fair, visited Head Start in Unicoi County to help us celebrate Ag Literacy Week and read to classes.
A 2021 graduate of Daniel Boone High School and a former Washington County 4-H member, Roark has a heart for agriculture and has made her project as Miss Appalachian Fair focused on supporting local farmers.