Last year, the University of Tennessee announced the UT Promise scholarship – a new system-wide, undergraduate scholarship program that guarantees free tuition and mandatory fees for students who have a household income under $50,000 and are HOPE eligible.
This year, we are recruiting UT Promise volunteer mentors to invest one hour a month to serve as a resource and source of encouragement to our UT Promise scholarship recipients. As an industry partner, we believe you would be an excellent mentor to help guide juniors and seniors through the transition out of college and into the workforce.
UT Promise will train all mentors and provide access to an online mentoring platform, making it easy for mentors to engage and support students. Mentors must be at least 21 and are asked to serve for a two-year period. As a mentor, you can make an impact on students that will last well beyond their college years.
Apply at UT Promise Mentoring. The application deadline to be matched with a mentee for fall 2020 is May 1. (Though the deadline has passed, the application system is open until the goal of recruiting 2,000 mentors has been reached) If you have any questions, please contact UT Promise coordinator Ashton Braddock.