Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist
A new addition! Vol Spotlight
We have outstanding 4-H volunteer leaders throughout the state of Tennessee involved in growing future leaders and expanding learning opportunities for youth and other 4-H volunteer leaders.They bring a diverse set of skills to the county programs and give of their time and resources to youth. Our 4-H volunteers are dedicated and making a difference as they collaborate with county 4-H agents.They plan and implement educational activities, events and provide unique opportunities for youth to experience.They are the significant adults every child needs, in addition to parents.This is the first of a number of articles that will highlight the work of our 4-H volunteer leaders and agents.
If you have a volunteer, teen or adult, engaged and contributing to programs in your county, please recognize them by contributing an article for the Vol Spotlight section of our newsletter. Share their accomplishments with youth and the community.The 4-H program has very dedicated agents.Volunteers, share how you work with your agent and how the agent-volunteer partnership is contributing to growing youth in your county. Email your article to Carmen G. Burgos. If possible, send a picture of your volunteer or agent (a headshot or an action picture).