Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist
“4-H taught me so many life skills that I wanted to keep doing and learning in 4-H.”
Denise Routzahn is a former 4-H member from Robertson County. As a 4-H member, she was an Honor Club member, an All –Star and a Vol state recipient. Her projects work included public speaking, arts and crafts, citizenship and leadership, plus participated on several judging teams. She decided to volunteer with Extension when considering the impact volunteers had on her while growing up in 4-H and realizing the impact that helping one child can have. Denise has served as a 4-H volunteer leader for approximately 25 years!
Denise is the organizational leader for the Robertson County 4-H Shooting Sports, currently working with 20 members. She is a certified Shooting Sports instructor. Denise has served youth in Robertson County in many ways, including conducting fundraisers for Shooting Sports and Exchange programs, writing articles about 4-H shooting sports for the Robertson County Times, serving as judge for county 4-H public speaking contest, and assisting with Shooting Sports workshop at Volunteer Leader Forum

In 2012, Denise received the State 4-H Adult Volunteer Leader Award and won a trip to National 4-H Congress. When she won the award and asked to make a comment, she expressed the following: “4-H taught me so many life skills that I wanted to keep doing and learning in 4-H. I have continued to be a believer in 4-H as a volunteer for more than 20 years. It would be an honor and a privilege to finally represent Tennessee at National 4-H Congress!” Not only has Denise been involved in developing youth, she has served and provided leadership to a number of committees including as president of the Robertson County Volunteer Association, and is currently serving as one of the Tennessee volunteer representatives on the Southern Region 4-H Volunteer Advisory Group. Besides volunteering with 4-H, her other hobbies and interests are painting and traveling.
Denise describes the most rewarding part of volunteering in the community through Robertson County Extension as continuing to contribute to Robertson County 4-H and its motto: To Make the Best Better. She sums us the work Robertson County Extension does in three words: