Overton County, FCS Skill-a-thon Team
Nichole Marrero, Extension Agent—Overton County
The Overton County 4-H F.C.S. Skill-a-thon team brought home a national championship for Tennessee 4-H at Western National Roundup. Team members included Mahalah Boone, Sarah Waites, Michaela Bianco, and Richmond Boone. The team was led by Extension Agent Nicole Marrero and assisted by Angie Boone, Program Assistant for 4-H.
This competition consist of three ID sections: clothing and textiles, food and cooking, and interior design housing. The youth also had two food judging classes: yogurts and fast food. Lastly, they had a life skills assessment where they had to do a team presentation over job interviews. In the life skills assessment, the team placed second in the nation. Three of the youth placed individually: 2nd Place, Mahalah Boone, 4th Place, Michaela Bianco, and 5th Place to Richmond Boone.
Overton County 4-H is quick to brag on these kids fundraising abilities: together and with the state of Tennessee backing them, they were able to raise over $10,000 through donations and sales. The team used their strengths gained through 4-H to raise most of the funds: baking items, making bracelets, coordinating events like dances and races, and sewing over 1,000 scrunchies. This group of individuals became family through hours of practice, work, and occasional tears. They took our breath away each month as they rose to the challenges. If you told me 5 years ago when I started with Extension that I would have had these accomplishments under my belt, I would have thought you were lying. Thank you to everyone who made it possible.