…and Other Questions about the 4-H Portfolio and Interview
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
The Leadership and Citizenship portfolios are in the process of being judged. Judging began last weekend and will continue through this weekend to allow at least one week for all of the scoring to take place. We had 52 entries this year for Leadership and Citizenship! That is an increase in of approximately 18% over the last two years of en- tries! Great job, everyone!
When will the finalists be announced?
I know everyone is very excited and anxious. We are quickly approaching the registration deadline and working within that timeframe. I need to give the judge’s ample time judge and not be rushed so that they do a good job. There are several steps that we have to go through to get from raw scores to a list of finalists. My goal is to notify agents who have 4-H’ers who have submitted portfolios the results of the judging by noon on Wednesday, February 13, if not before. A formal announcement will come out in next week’s edition of IDEAS. Your patience is greatly appreciated!
How does my 4-H’er use Showcase in his/her portfolio?
On February 20, I will be working with one of our State 4-H Council members and other staff to cre- ate a video of an actual 4-H interview that demonstrates how to use the Showcase in the interview process. This is a new addition – very exciting – to our 4-H project interviews and I am aware of the anxieties that go with this change. Video editing will be required. My goal is to have this video posted and announced by the first week in March.
With many thanks …!
Thank you for all of your great work on the port- folios! I was attending our Regional Program Leaders and State Staff Retreat when the first ones
were entered into SUPER. I cried … literally … when I opened the first one. They all look amazing! I was thrilled! The judges have expressed how impressed they area and how much they are enjoying reading the portfolios this year. While we still have much to do and learn and improve on, I want to just say “THANK YOU!” to all of you who worked with your 4-H’ers to submit a portfolio.
This is a historical moment for our organization! You all did a fantastic job! I’m looking forward to our continued efforts to move ahead!