Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
A New Way to Host the “Developing Quality Section A, Section B, and Section C 4-H e-Portfolio Forms” In-Service
“Developing Quality Section A, Section B and Section C 4-H Portfolio Forms” — Remember this one?! Yep, it’s an in-service that was originally scheduled for last month in a regional, face-to-face training session. Like most everything else this year, I had to either cancel it and/or convert it to a virtual training. Before Dr. Loveday retired and COVID-19 was just getting started, he said something to me that really hit home. He said, “There are going to be somethings that are going to be absolute disasters as a result of this virus. And there are going to be some things that are going to be so great that we can’t believe we didn’t think of this before!”
I think this is one of them.
We are not going to meet in our traditional, one-and-done, regional training sessions. Instead, I would like to meet one-on-one with all who are interested to go over your 4-H’ers Section A, B and C forms and discuss ways in which these e-portfolios can be improved. A number of you – especially those who judged the main project records – submitted to me a lot of questions and training suggestions that need to be covered. So, we will do a little training and a lot of discussion that is personalized regarding your H’ers specific e-portfolios.
Please be sure that you are registered in SUPER so that you get credit for the training:
This link takes you to a Microsoft program called “Bookings.” It will allow you to see the availability on my calendar and set your own time to meet with me based on your calendar. It is very intuitive. No instructions needed … but I am always here to help if you have a challenge. I am making myself available for these meetings from October 15 through the middle of December. Your session will last approximately 45 minutes.
Looking forward to meeting with you and talking with you soon!