Carmen Burgos, Extension Specialist
The State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl was held on June 2nd in conjunction with the June Dairy Month Kick Off luncheon in Nashville. The Dairy Quiz Bowl contest has two divisions: junior high and senior. The team from Williamson County composed of Sydney Lamb, Kendall Warpool, Isaiah Osborne and Brittany Yates took top honors in the senior division. The Williamson County team will represent Tennessee in the 2017 Invitational Dairy Quiz Bowl in Louisville, Kentucky this November. The team coach is Wendi Lamb.
Lincoln County is the winning team in the junior high division of the contest. Team members are Maggie Dunivan, Hank Bayless, Cade Dunivan and Clay Owen. Their coach is Dan Owen.
Donor for this event is the Dairy Farmers of America. Special thanks to Jeff Mitchell, Ex- tension Assistant, Animal Science, for his leadership in conducting this educational pro- gram. I also want to thank our agents and volunteers that diligently work in providing unique experiences for youth.