Sarah Keenan, Maury County Extension Agent
The Maury County 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences Skillathon team represented Tennessee 4-H at the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado. This contest consists of three identification sections where participants identify items or techniques in sewing, food preparation, and interior design categories. Next, the participants rank fast food meals and healthy snacks from best to worst based on given dietary restrictions. Last, every team is given a prompt to discuss in a five minute oral presentation for which they have ten minutes to prepare.
Team members, Faith d’Ablaing, Delanie Livengood, Ginger Morrow and Michaela d’Ablaing won 3rd place overall, and Faith d’Ablaing was also named 5th high individual. The team was coached by Sarah Keenan, Maury County 4-H Extension Agent, and Starla Hardin, Maury County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent.
The team had a great time in Denver. In addition to the many events associated with the Western National Round- up, the team also had the opportunity to tour the U.S. Mint, the Christian Dior exhibit at the Denver Art Museum, and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.