June 26 – June 29, 2018
“Going Beyond the Wires”
Dr. Richard Clark
This year marks the 27th anniversary of the 4-H Electric Camp. An exciting week of exploring the world of energy, electricity, energy conservation, electrical safety, and science await the 275 4-H members arriving on the UT Knoxville campus on Monday.
So what attracts so many 4-Her’s to Electric Camp? It’s the hands-on activities that are provided by over 75 volunteer power company professionals. Youth get to build an electric clock, work with electric motors, control robotic arms, practice energy conservation techniques, drive an electric golf cart through an obstacle course, and learn how to play safely around high voltage power lines. Then add in swimming, a trip to Dollywood, a dance, and a pizza party and you begin to see the tremendous attraction of Electric Camp!
A special thanks goes to Dr. Mike Buschermohle, Assistant Dean for Extension, for his dedication over 27 years to this tremendous educational experience. His ability to get power companies from all over the state to allow their employees to help at Electric Camp is no small feat. Mike believes in the power of experiential education and the results are evident in the learning and enjoyment of our 4-H participants.