Aaron Fisher, Youth Livestock and Equine Specialist
Eight teams from across Tennessee competed in the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at the Wilson County Fair on August 20, 2020. Teams included Bedford, Cannon, Franklin, Lincoln, Macon (2 teams), Marshall and Williamson Counties.
Dairy Judging is an activity where youth evaluate live classes of dairy cattle and then defend their decision through oral reasons. Youth participating in dairy judging learn animal related skills, but more importantly enhance their communication, decision-making, critical thinking and problem solving skills. This contest consisted of 5 placing classes and 3 sets of oral reasons.
The High Team Overall was Lincoln County, consisting of Colton Moorehead, Ada Corder, Ella Pol- lock and Clay Owen and coached by Dan Owen. Lincoln County was also the High Team in Reasons.
The Reserve Champion team was Cannon County, consisting of Abbye Moore, Abigail Buchanan and Will Byford and coached by Sarah Ferrell.
The Top 5 Individuals included:
- Ada Corder (Lincoln Co)
- Abigail Buchanan (Cannon Co)
- Colton Moorehead (Lincoln Co)
- Ella Pollock (Lincoln Co)
- Ellarose Strasser (Marshall Co)
The top 5 overall teams were rounded out by:
- Bedford County (Bethany Cothran, Kimber Cook and Molly Ralston)
- Macon County B (Allye Morgan, Graycee West and Layla Amons)
- Macon County A (Aidan Flynn, Delaney Turner and Emma Stevens)
This contest would not have been possible without individuals who shared their time, talents and animals with the youth. Officials included: Lynn Lee, Neal Smith and Amy Olt. Dairy cattle were provided by dairy exhibitors at the Wilson County Fair. Also, a special thanks is extended to Dr. Liz Eckelkamp, Arup Sen and Caitlin Zaring for all of their work towards the success of the event.