Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
2020 Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic UN-Conference Results
- 81% of 4-H’ers REALLY ENJOYED their academic UN-Conference
- 70% of 4-Her’s who VERY MUCH enjoyed the daily assignments and activities.
- The percentage of attendees who are VERY LIKELY going to tell other 4-H members about this experience? 68%
- The percentage of attendees who are VERY LIKELY to come back next year, if eligible? 76%
- 61% of conference attendees said they are VERY INTERESTED in attending the university of Tennessee!
- 86% of 4-H’ers indicated that they would be VERY INTERESTED in learning more about their 4-H project area as a result of their participation.
- 85 percent leadership activities were completed
- 89 percent conducted additional research regarding specific areas of their 4-H project
- 90 4-H’ers completed their 4-H Honor Club applications
- 92 post were made to various social media formats
- 90 4-H members started an 4-H project e-portfolio
- 72 participants made a demonstration related to their 2020 academic UN-Conference project
- 94 percent researched career opportunities in their project field
- 84 4-H members participating in the 2020 Academic UN-Conference interviewed an expert in their project field
- 90 participants completed a project-related citizenship/service learning activity to benefit their local community