Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
March 1 is quickly approaching. The 2021 Tennessee 4-H State Citizenship and Leadership e-portfolio entries are due. Remember, this is a later time than normal. Even though 4-H Congress is postponed until August 2021, we are going to go ahead and have the annual Leadership and Citizenship 4-H project contest.
In case you have forgotten, this is the timeline:
• March 2 Judging begins for Citizenship and Leadership e-portfolios
• March 15 Finalists announced
• April 1 and 2 Virtual interviews
• April 7 Project winners announced
There are no changes to the e-portfolio process this year. Please have your registration information in SUPER by11:59 p.m. on Monday evening, March 1.
MOST IMPORTANT: Remember, you will need the URL address and password for your 4-H’ers web-based portfolio to register your 4-H members. It is very, very important that you enter their information in correctly. Please! Please! Please! Double check the URL address, password (caps are important and make a difference) and the level in which there are competing. Level I is 9th and 10th grade as of January 1, 2021 and Level II is 11th and 12th grade as of January 1, 2021. This information will be collected in SUPER. If you have questions, please let me know!
For more information visit the Portfolio page on the website.
Contact Lori Gallimore for more information.