Good news! We will be hosting our annual UT Livestock Judging Camp IN PERSON on July 23-25, 2021 at the Brehm Animal Science Building. I am very excited to be able to host this event on campus and hope that you and your teams will consider attending! Below are details for this year’s camp. I have also attached the camp flyer.
NEW THIS YEAR—We will be offering a Coaches Clinic on Saturday in conjunction with camp. There will be a separate session for coaches on Saturday morning that will cover coaching strategies, reasons basics, and other tips and tricks. Coaches are also welcome to attend the other species evaluation sessions on Saturday as well. Cost is $50 per coach/parent.
I am very excited for what I have in store for camp this year. Campers will be able to be personally mentored by past, present, and future members of the UT Livestock Judging Team. We plan to provide species-specific evaluation sessions, in depth instruction on understanding performance data, and individualized reasons critique.
Due to COVID policies that are still in place, we will NOT be providing housing for campers this year. Campers must commute or find another housing option. I am happy to provide Knoxville hotel recommendations if needed.
Since Tennessee 4-H Roundup being held earlier in the week, we will not be starting camp until Friday afternoon. This should allow students involved in Roundup time to travel to Knoxville.
Registration/Payment Deadline: June 15, 2021
Camp Costs:
Early Bird Camper Cost: $150
Late Camper Cost: $175
Coaches Clinic: $50
Mail payment to:
Abigayle Pollock
Brehm Animal Science Building
2506 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Make checks payable to: University of Tennessee
Feel free to share with anyone interested. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by phone at 931-993-8219 or via email at apolloc2@vols.utk.edu.