Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to all of the 4-H Dairy Chairpersons who participated in the Southeast Dairy’s June Dairy Month Promotion!
Division I
Clay County – Grace Rich – 4-H Agent: Haley Barnes
Division II
Lincoln County – Zoe Cowan – 4-H Agent: Dan Owen
Division III
Sumner County – Hannah Brown – 4-H Agent: Whitney Whitaker

Best Use of Theme
Sumner County – Hannah Brown – 4-H Agent: Whitney Whitaker
Media Award
DeKalb County – Jenna Cantrell – 4-H Agent: Leigh Fuson
Thank you again for all for your Dedication to Dairy!
Each participant will receive a 4-H polo with the June Dairy Month logo on the back and each winner will receive their check(s), a polo and a plaque. These will be sent to your county offices for the opportunity for photo’s and perhaps press releases. Look for these items within the next two to three weeks.
The winning scrapbooks will be on display at the 2019 Tenn. June Dairy Month Kick-off in Nashville. All other entries will be returned to the UT 4-H Extension office and sent to your county office.