Justin Crowe recently emailed 4-H agents and program assistants requesting submissions of articles for the statewide 4-H Ideas Newsletter about county programs that are innovative or that they are especially proud of. Everyone loves to hear about how 4-H has impacted the lives of those who have participated.
What types of articles to submit:
- Unique/Innovative program ideas
- Initiatives you are especially proud of
- National trips/contests
- Demonstrations of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health
- Examples of “Making the Best Better”
What to Submit
- A brief paragraph, followed by a longer story if you want to have it linked and posted on the TN 4-H website. Uploading a .pdf works well!
- At least one picture!
Multiple pictures or even a video are welcome - Relevant links, for example, if you have the story posted on your website.
- Do not format your work with bullets and numbered lists, or pictures on the side, but rather indicate that is what you would like done with the information.
We will be using Google forms from the TN4H netid to collect the information. The number of submissions will determine how many articles will go into each edition of Ideas. If you have any questions you can contact Celina or Trudi.