Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean and Department Head
The weather has turned hot and kids are getting out of school. This means it is Tennessee 4-H camping season. Our 4-H Centers have been working hard to get ready for the 2019 summer season. Camps are spiffed up and counselors trained just waiting for the first bus to arrive Mon- day. 4-H camp is one of those memorable experiences for our youth. They remember the swimming, friendships, crafts as well as learning to do some new things. It still amazes me when I am out with 4-H apparel on and a stranger tells me they went to 4-H camp.
Today, I received pictures from the renovations of Ridley camp. They look fantastic! Completion should be next week and be ready for campers the week of June 10. We appreciate all that had to help accommodate these construction upgrades.
The camp season is here, so have a great camp and help make memories.