Tennessee 4-H Funnel Cake 5K Registration Information
September 15, 2018 | TN State Fairgrounds
Proceeds Benefit the Tennessee 4-H Program
Tennessee 4-H Funnel Cake 5K
Race Begins at 9:00 A.m.
$30 ages 8 and up
Includes t-Shirt & Funnel Cake
Packet pickup:
7:00 – 8:45 AM Saturday, September 15, at TN State Fairgrounds
Race start time:
9:00 AM – Saturday, September 15
Arrival/parking info:
Will be emailed to all participants one week prior to the race.
Race address:
Tennessee State Fairgrounds
500 Wedgewood Ave.
Nashville, TN 37203
Awards for:
- 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place male & female winners in each age group
- Master’s
- Grand master’s
- Overall, 1st, 2nd & 3rd place make & female winners
- One random drawing for any participant
For questions or concerns, contact Shelby Brawner