Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Service is a word that is very commonly used in our 4-H programs across our state. It’s also one that is heavily used on the UTIA campus through the work of UTK Collegiate 4-H. Recently, the UTK Collegiate 4-H focused their efforts on cancer re- search and awareness through raising funds to support the American Cancer Society. These students raised more than $750 to support the ACS and participated in the annual UTK Relay for Life, which was held on Friday night, April 7th. This year’s theme, “Relaying around the world” gave collegiate 4-H the opportunity to dec- orate their tent with a focus on Ireland. The club members sold bowls of Lucky Charms to passers-by to raise even more the night of.
This was a wonderful event and one the students enjoyed very much!
If your county 4-H program is interested in getting involved with Relay for Life, let me know!