Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor In-service: Join the curriculum development team for an exciting in-service focused on lesson planning, student engagement, and assessing student learning on April 25th, May 1st, or…
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor In-service: Join the curriculum development team for an exciting in-service focused on lesson planning, student engagement, and assessing student learning on April 25th, May 1st, or…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager Congratulations to the following counties who have been awarded the 4-H Food Smart Families grant for 2017-2019. These counties will provide educational opportunities to youth…
The Dyer County 4-H Mentoring Program students have been learning to give back to the community and the teachers. The Dyer County 4-H program is in its fourth year working with youth at the Dyersburg Union Mission. The Mission offers Mission Youth Clubs for children and youth in grades 1-12. Each club meets on a different afternoon/ evening of the week.
UTK Collegiate 4-H members recently spent their Sunday afternoon volunteering to support the Alzheimer’s Foundation of TN by assisting with their annual walk in East TN.This event, held at the UT Gardens, provided the students the opportunity to assist with registration and photography.
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Service is a word that is very commonly used in our 4-H programs across our state. It’s also one that is heavily used on the UTIA…