Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader
This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to visit TN Tech University to visit with exhibitors, extension staff, and stakeholders at the 2020 Tennessee Youth Sheep Expo. The atmosphere at the event was amazing. The 4-H and FFA members, along with parents, staff, and guests were excited to participate in this annual event. I had to change to visit with several youth who were showing their animals and participating in the skill-a-thon competition. Each of them had a smile on their face. They were excited to be there and eager to get to participate in a face-to-face event. People had on their mask, they practiced social distancing, and they washed their hands often. The smell of sheep and hand sanitizer was a pleas- ing smell. It meant that youth were given the chance to experience normalcy and demonstrate all of the hard work they had poured into their animals and their care.
Thanks to all of the 4-H and FFA youth, parents, extension staff, teachers, and stakeholders who put time and energy into making sheep expo a reality for these youth. While our face-to-face opportunities may be limited, we are always committed to helping our youth grow and develop. Where there are