4-H agents, program assistants, and support staff,
We are excited to share that the virtual 4-H Electric Camp is live and ready for your 4-H members to enjoy! Tennessee 4-H Electric Camp is made possible because of unique partnerships established between The University of Tennessee Extension, the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and its statewide member cooperatives, the Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association and its statewide member municipal systems, TVA, and allied industry donors. This partnership provides financial assistance to support the camp, donates equipment and sup- plies for the learning centers and supplies volunteers to help plan and teach the hands-on learning centers at camp. Please thank your local power supplier for supporting the 4-H Electric Camp.
What’s in it for your youth (besides learning and fun)?
These activities are FREE and AWESOME!
The first 500 4-H members who complete all the activities and take the on-line quiz will receive the easy-to-build “World’s Simplest Motor” to learn more on how electric motors work!
Note that we are targeting middle school age 4-H members (currently in grades 6th – 8th grade) but have opened it up to any 4-H age youth (4th grade through high school)
Tennessee 4-H members who are in the 6th and 7th grade on Jan 1, 2021 who complete all the activities and take the on-line quiz will be entered in a drawing to receive one of 15 scholarships to attend the 2021 4-H Electric Camp.
Here’s what your 4-H members should do!
- Watch each video below, beginning with the 4-H Electric Camp Welcome with Dr. Buschermohle!
- Click on the Activities section (on the left side of your screen) and participate in both activities!
- Click on the Survey section (on the left side of your screen) and complete the survey to hopefully win some cool prizes!
Notes for 4-H agents:
Dr. Buschermohle’s office will e-mail you contact information for all of the youth from your county who partici- pated and completed the survey.
The kits will be sent directly to the first 500 youth who complete the survey.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Mike Buschermohle.