Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
Please read this article below from Kittrina Thompson of National 4-H Council regarding this year’s National Youth Science Day event.
“We are in the 11th year of 4‐H National Youth Science Day, and this year’s event will be unlike any- thing we’ve seen in past years!
This year’s 4‐H NYSD explores the world of computer science (CS) with the 2018 challenge, Code Your World. Co- developed by West Virginia University Extension and Google, Code Your World is a four-part challenge that invites kids to get involved in CS through fun hands-on activities like digital animation, gaming and dance.
After feedback from the 4‐H community and on- going efforts to make 4‐H NYSD more accessible to communities, programs and schools nation- wide, we have worked with our Extension partners at West Virginia University and Utah State University to make a few exciting changes.
Here’s what’s new and improved for 2018 4‐H National Youth Science Day:
- More than Just a Day
- In the past, we’ve encouraged a singular day of celebration of 4‐H NYSD. This year, we’re celebrating hands-on science with a grand kick-off on October 1, and continuing throughout the entire month of October with local events taking place across the country and beyond.
- New Ways to Participate
- Don’t worry – we’ve still co-developed an amazing hands-on STEM kit with a University Extension partner that allows kids to apply the ideas and skills of coding to everyday life. However, we couldn’t re- lease a coding challenge without – well – computers! That’s why we’ve also partnered with Google for a computer-based activity that uses Google’s CS First platform and MIT’s Scratch. This activity requires access to at least one computer, but it can be done with or without internet access.
So, when participating in the Code Your World challenge, four great activities to choose from (or you can do them all!), none of which require prior computer science or coding experience to enjoy! Best of all, since the kit includes three unplugged activities and one computer-based activity, there is no need for access to technology or internet to have fun with Code Your World!
- Don’t worry – we’ve still co-developed an amazing hands-on STEM kit with a University Extension partner that allows kids to apply the ideas and skills of coding to everyday life. However, we couldn’t re- lease a coding challenge without – well – computers! That’s why we’ve also partnered with Google for a computer-based activity that uses Google’s CS First platform and MIT’s Scratch. This activity requires access to at least one computer, but it can be done with or without internet access.
- Resources Galore
- With newly developed facilitator guides, youth workbooks, how-to webinar, and upcoming how-to video, we’ve provided the tools needed for teachers, mentors, volunteers and parents to perform the Code Your World challenge in any setting for all kids. “
For more information about the 2018 4‐H National Youth Science Day, visit the 4-H website.