Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Tennessee 4-H was well represented at the recent Ag Day on the Hill in Nashville. Leaders and supporters gathered recently at the state capitol to promote the agri-cultural industry and its tremendous impact within our state. On Monday night, March 13th, nine state 4-H council members and volunteers rolled up their sleeves and pitched in for the annual legislative supper for members of the House of Representatives and Senate. These 4-H members served meals and interacted with the legislators. On Tuesday morning, Luci Allen (State 4-H All Star Chief – Macon County) and Kendall Martin (Junior Representative – Lincoln County) spent the morning visiting legislators and assisting with the UT Extension booth in legislative plaza.
Luci represented 4-H at the House Ag Committee meeting where she talked about the impact that 4-H has had on her life. In addition, Haylee Ferguson, Rutherford County 4-H member, and Allison Parker, State FFA Officer and 4-H alum, talked about the impact of agriculture and the difference that youth programs like 4-H and FFA make! One of the highlights of the day was when Governor Haslam made his way down the row of booths, visiting with each organization representatives. When he reached the UT Extension booth, Kendall presented him with a 4-H lapel pin. He showed his lapel where his 4-H lapel pin was already placed. He indicated he still had his lapel pin from the previous year and wanted to be sure to wear it that day! To see photos from this great day on the Tennessee 4-H Facebook page.