Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
The past couple of days were historic for our Tennessee 4-H program. The American Farm Bureau Federation held its annual convention in Nashville on January 7-8, 2018. They extended an invitation for 4-H and FFA members to attend the conference and enjoy workshops, speakers, and fellowship. During this convention, 4-H was highlighted in many ways:

- We had a large number of 4-H members, volunteers, and extension staff who attended and represented us well.
- We have three National 4-H Council Youth Board Members (Justin Cross, Oakley Perry, and Elizabeth Sanders). While Oakley was in Denver, CO working with Western National Roundup and could not attend the AFBF convention, Elizabeth and Justin were there with National 4-H Council President and CEO Jennifer Sirangelo and were recognized during the Sunday morning assembly.
- Our state 4-H council members were given the opportunity to interact with state and federal legislators and officials as well as visit with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue.
- During President Trump’s comments, he specifically mentioned 4-H and FFA. A video clip can be found within dropbox. I had prepped our state 4-H council that he was going to mention 4-H so you will hear a lot of screaming after he says it.
- Grant Hitchcock, State 4-H Council President from Warren County, was given the unique opportunity to meet President Trump as he disembarked Air Force One at the Nashville International Airport. A video clip can be found below.

We were all so proud to be a part of Tennessee 4-H as the great work happening by our 4-H members, volunteers, and county staff was evident throughout the meeting. To help you better tell the story, I have included some links below for your use.
Video of Grant Hitchcock meets the President.
President Trumps comments (look for the 4-H shout out toward the end).